Huntsville Lodge No. 364

Free and Accepted Masons of Arkansas
300 Main Street, Huntsville AR
P.O. Box 1082 (all mail to this address)
Huntsville, Arkansas 72740

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Welcome to Huntsville Lodge No. 364

We represent a fraternity which believes in justice and truth and honorable action in your community... men who are endeavoring to be better citizen...[and] to make a great country greater. This is the only institution in the world where we can meet on the level all sorts of people who want to live rightly.
Bro. Harry S. Truman

News items from the Brethren!

December, 2024
Congratulations to W. Bro. James Eaton, who will take the Oath of Office as State Representative from District No. 26 in Little Rock on Monday, January 13, 2025. James served as Worshipful Master in 2008 and was the Lodge's 87th Master.

Our Worshipful Master, Josh Peden, will be serving as Associate Patron of Huntsville Chapter No. 487, Order of the Eastern Star this year and Senior Warden, Kevin Hatfield, will be serving as the Worthy Patron. This will be M.W. Bro. Hatfield's 7th time to be the Worthy Patron.

Speaking of the OES, this year Huntsville Chapter No. 487, well be celebrating their 100th year! The Chapter was instituted on April 10, 1925 and officially chartered on November 18, 1925. The Chapter will be celebrating their centennial by having a special program or event at each meeting during the year. The Lodge extends hearty congratulations to the Chapter for reaching this milestone.

Huntsville Lodge members James Stroud and Kevin Hatfield attended the Christmas Observance at Baldwin Commandery #4, Knights Templar in Fayetteville on December 21st. It was a beautiful ceremony and well done by the Sir Knights as is befitting of the Christmas season. Bro. Hatfield also attended the installation of the officers of Washington Lodge No. 1 along with R:.W:. Lucas Minton, Grand Junior Warden. M:.W:. Jarrod Adkisson served as installing officer.

January 2025
The Worshipful Master pointed out that our lodge anniversary is on January 16th, making Huntsville Lodge #364 146 years old - having been chartered on January 16, 1879. He emphasized that it is not too early to begin thinking about ideas for the sesquicentennial celebration of our lodge which will take place in 2029.

Huntsville Lodge No. 364 is a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons located at Huntsville Arkansas

Our Lodge's physical address is:

300 Main Street, Huntsville Arkansas

(across the street from the Madison County Court House.)

Our stated Communications are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month,
Dinner is served beginning at 6:00 P.M. Lodge opens at 7:00 P.M.

Non-Masons are always welcome to visit us and have dinner with the brethren between 6:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M.

Calendar of Events at Huntsville Lodge No. 364

December 27, 2024 - Festival of St. John the Evangelist
Installation of Officers - Jointly with Little Springs Lodge No. 230
Dinner at 6:00 p.m. with installation at 7:00 p.m.
This will be a closed installation, Masons only
R.W. Sumner Brashears as Installing Officer
W. Austin Campbell, as Marshall
Bro. & Rev. Dan Wooley, as Chaplain

2025 Officers of Huntsville Lodge No. 364

January 14, 2025 - Stated Communication
Cooks for January are Jason and Lee Holt
Dinner at 6:00 p.m., communication at 7:00 p.m.

January 21, 2025 - Little Spring Lodge No. 230
Dinner at 6:00 p.m., communication at 7:00 p.m.

Officers of Little Spring Lodge for 2025
Don A. Pinkley, Worshipful Master
Don C. Carter, Senior Warden
Dan Wooley, Junior Warden
R:.W:. Rodney A. Fry, PM, Secretary
Frankie Fitch, PM, Treasurer
James F. Cornlison, Senior Deacon
Richard Guraedy, PM, Junior Deacon
Jimmy Couch, PM Chaplain
R:.W:. Elmer L. Moore, PM Tyler
James Anderson, PM, Master of Ceremony
Jason Holt, PM, Master of Ceremony

January 25, 2025 (Saturday) - Scottish Rite Valley of Fayetteville
The Valley will be hosting a Burns Night Dinner at Washington Lodge No. 1 beginning at 5:00 p.m.

The Evening's Program will include
Address to the Haggis
Traditional Dinner
Tickets are $75 per person. Dress is suit and tie for men, cocktail dress for ladies.
This is a fundraiser for "Rite Care" - Helping children communicate.
Email your RSVP by January 15th to Clint Chastain -

Worshipful Master Josh Peden made the following appointments during the January 14th stated communiction:
Audit committee for the 2024 books: Jim Couch, Will Anderson, and Sumner Brashears.
Facilities and grounds committee: Brett Hall, Don Carter, Jim Couch, and Jon Williams.

Cooks and dining room management:
January: Jason Holt and Lee Holt;
February: Trent Harrison and Jim Couch;
March: Don Pinkley and Don Carter;
April: Michael Foster and Brett Hall;

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